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Syvokobylenko V. F. 
Determining equivalent circuit parameters of induction motor with deep bar rotor using catalog data [Електронний ресурс] / V. F. Syvokobylenko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 75-81. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2017_3_14
Purpose. Development of the method for determining the equivalent circuit parameters of induction motor with deep bar rotor using catalog data. Methodology. The methods of analysis, parameter identification, mathematical modeling, solving systems of nonlinear algebraic and differential equations are used. Findings. The methods of taking into consideration the skin effect influence on rotor impedance are analyzed, which allowed adopting the rectangular cross-sectional shape of the rotor bar as a basis. Implication of two different heights for determination of rotor resistance and inductive reactance instead of one height is grounded. The analytical dependences for normalized heights are precised, where, in contrast to known approaches, these heights are determined as proportional to the slip in some unknown k degree, but not as proportional to square root of the slip. Method for selecting the variables of equivalent circuit and method for forming system of nonlinear equations for the numerical determining of variables values by the iterative method are proposed and investigated. The rotor resistance at rated slip, equivalent heights of the rectangular rotor bars, mutual inductance between stator and rotor, resistance of iron losses circuit and exponent for slip in Calculated according to the equivalent circuit, the stator currents and moments coincided with the catalog data. The method of using the defined parameters of equivalent circuit for modeling start mode, short circuit and selfstart based on differential equations are presented. Originality. For the first time during synthesis of the equivalent circuit parameters of the induction motor with deep bar rotor, the influence of the skin effect on the rotor impedance is suggested to be determined using not one, but two different heights of equivalent rectangular cross-section of the rotor bar, one for determining the resistance and the other for the inductive reactance. Practical value. The proposed method for determining the equivalent circuit parameters of the induction motor with deep bar rotor the method for calculating of its static and dynamic characteristics is implemented as a program. the formula for determining the normalized height are accepted as variables. Using this method, the parameters of equivalent circuit for the deep bar induction motors of different types are calculated and their static characteristics are obtained.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 519.471 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Syvokobylenko V. F. 
Earth fault protection for compensated electric networks based on frequency filters [Електронний ресурс] / V. F. Syvokobylenko, V. A. Lysenko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 69-74. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2020_1_14
Purpose. Development of selective microprocessing earth fault protection in compensated electrical networks of 6 - 35 kV. Use of the Goertzel algorithm for the separation of components of frequencies higher than fundamental frequency from the zero sequence voltage and currents. Methodology. The methods of mathematical modeling and analysis of transients in compensated electric networks of 6 - 35 kV, Fourier transform and Goertzel algorithm, construction of earth-fault protection algorithms, and experimental research are used. Findings. The results of mathematical modeling show that in compensated electric networks of 6 - 35 kV at phase-to-ground fault the reactive power direction in a in a damaged feeder1can be similar to the one in an undamaged feeder; therefore, conventional protections cannot perform selective operation. This action can be provided by protections based on separation of components of fixed frequencies of 200 - 300 Hz from the zero sequence voltage and currents. Their reactive power in an undamaged connection is always directed off tyres, because is hardly compensated by the reactor regardless of degree of its cavity tuning. When applying band-pass frequency filters, the required protection responsivity is not always provided at phase-to-ground fault through resistances exceeding 10 - 15 Ohm. Moreover, failure of steady operation of filters is possible due to location of their poles on a circular curve of a unit radius, while use of blocks of numerical differentiation of current and voltage can result in running failure at alternate arcing ground. The application of the Goertzel algorithm for high-frequency components detection is proposed. It is implemented through an infinite impulse-response filter of the second order with two real coefficients in back coupling and one complex coefficient in circuit of direct relation. The results of simulation of the behavior of protection in the system of computer algebra Mathcad confirmed the reduction of calculation costs and stable work, regardless of the presence of aperiodic components at different initial phases of the voltage at the time of fault. As part of the protection, a trigger unit is provided that allows the operation if the voltage of the zero sequence exceeds the setpoint, which is 12 - 15 % of the nominal value. In order to ensure reliable operation of the protection, permanent and arcing faults provide activation of protection impulses in the event of a fault. The positive results of protection algorithm were achieved on the mathematical model of the network as well as when testing a microprocessor prototype of a protective system in a laboratory environment. Originality. For the first time for ground-fault protection in 6 - 35 kV compensated networks, it is proposed to separate components of frequencies higher than fundamental frequency from the zero sequence voltage and currents using frequency filters created on the basis of the Goertzel algorithm are proposed; the algorithm is an improved modification of the Fourier transform; this increased the sensitivity, speed and stability of work protection. Practical value. The mathematical model of the compensated electric network allows analyzing the behavior of protection at permanent and arcing ground faults. Selective protection from phase faults on the ground has been developed, which allows increasing the reliability of the power supply systems with a voltage of 6 - 35 kV.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 533.508 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Syvokobylenko V. F. 
Application of wavelet transform for phase-to-ground fault protection in medium voltage electrical networks [Електронний ресурс] / V. F. Syvokobylenko, V. A. Lysenko // Технічна електродинаміка. - 2021. - № 4. - С. 55-62. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/TED_2021_4_8
Для електричних мереж напругою 6 - 35 кВ з компенсованою, ізольованою або резисторно-заземленою нейтраллю розроблено метод захисту від замикання фази на землю, в якому за результатами частотно-часового вейвлет-перетворення струмів, напруг нульової послідовності та їхніх похідних за допомогою отриманого аналітичного виразу визначають сумарний вейвлет реактивної потужності для різних частот. Показано, що в початковий момент замикання фази на землю на пошкодженому приєднанні потужність завжди позитивна, а на непошкодженому - негативна незалежно від режиму роботи нейтралі. Коефіцієнти вейвлет-перетворень знаходять шляхом згортки дискретних значень вимірюваних сигналів з синусно-косинусними сигналами материнської функції Морле. Звернену в часі послідовність цих сигналів отримують за допомогою матриці, для якої викладено правила її формування. Як пусковий орган захисту використовується перевищення амплітудою напруги нульової послідовності заданого значення. За допомогою математичної моделі мережі виконано дослідження поведінки захисту у разі глухих і дугових замиканнях фази на землю, за різного ступеня компенсації ємнісних струмів, за різних значень миттєвої напруги в момент замикання. У всіх режимах отримано надійну роботу захисту, чутливість якого на порядок перевищує чутливість захисту, заснованого на перетворені Фур'є. Отримано позитивні результати випробувань реалізованого на мікропроцесорній елементній базі зразка захисту на лабораторному стенді.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 487.611 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування
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